What Does It Mean When A Guinea Pig Squeaks

 Camila Farah    

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Squealing in general is often an indication of terror or anxiety in guinea pigs.

Well usually this means that they are happy and content. Guinea pigs often squeak as it is there way of communicating. When a guinea pig wheeks you will hear a series of short squeaks followed by high pitched squeals or the whistle like noises in between that are often long and loud. However there are actually several different sounds a guinea pig makes that we might think of as squeaks.

Some guinea pigs will squeal when they are experiencing potential pain or they need attention. If your guinea pig squeaks a lot it could mean that he s hungry and is asking you for food perhaps dinner or a tasty fruit treat. There are several reasons why a guinea pig would make a noise that sounds like a squeak. Depending on which one your guinea pig makes they could be squeaking for joy or squeaking out of fear.

We call this wheeking. If you have a specific time when you feed your guinea pigs you will notice that this is the time of the day they usually wheek the loudest. Pay close attention to your pet if you hear a scream. Guinea pigs with scream when they have a fright or when they are in a fight with another animal.


Why does my guinea pig squeak. They make other noises too and we will take a look at all of these and what they mean here. So why do guinea pigs squeak. Guinea pigs reserve squeaking for food to their interactions with people.

If you hear your guinea pig persistently squeaking it could mean that a loud sound from outside bothered him and he s alerting your other cavies to the approaching peril. It can sometimes be that another guinea pig is stealing his favorite spot to eat. This sounds just like a bird chirping and is perhaps the least understood or heard noise that guinea pigs make. Perhaps the most common guinea pig sound a guinea pig s familiar squeak is also known as a wheek.

Whether caused by joy or fear squeaking by your guinea pig is a way for your pal to communicate with you. Guinea pigs frequently squeal when they re scared.

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Source : pinterest.com

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