What Do Chicken Pox Look Like At The Beginning

 Camila Farah    

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Chickenpox starts with few red bumps or spots that look like insect bites.

A runny nose and cough are also common. Each and daily greater greater will seem. In the early stages chickenpox looks red and is similar to an itchy rash that is present over large areas of the skin. Your child may also experience a fever the bumps increase the following day and the first bumps turn into blisters.

Eventually it falls off. Later the spots turn into chicken pox pustules pictures below. The fever is before they break out. The center of the area of reddened and the skin is raised.

Chicken pox typically starts as small red bumps which then turn into small fluid filled blisters vesicles and then crust over. The rash is usually accompanied by a fever lasting more than a week. Chicken pox are big like mosquito bites. When you consider that your son is barely 4 he won t have them.


By the third day the second day bumps will have turned into blisters and new bumps appear. In addition many pimples appear on the mucous membranes of the nose and eyes. Rash appear for several days and cause itchiness. On the first day chickenpox in adults appears on the face and on the head see pictures below.

The first sign of chickenpox in children and adults is a headache nausea muscle aches and malaise a general feeling of unwellness. The areas that are most likely to be affected during the early stages of this virus include the face back and abdomen. The prodromal phase of infection may begin four to six days after exposure as the virus moves from the initial site of infection the respiratory tract an or eyes to the lymph nodes. Hen pox are purple with pustule centers which frequently ensue first on the better torso scalp.

The early stage of chickenpox appears for the first time on the head and in the abdomen. Do this a number of situations an afternoon particularly at bedtime so he can sleep. Everyone has this question in their mind that what does chicken pox normally or at the starting look like let us told you the answer to it in the starting the chicken pox looks like you are having a cold with running nose sneeze fever headache etc but after 1 or 2 days you will be able to see some of the rashes on your body which is the first stage of chicken pox behind your ear on neck nose face or chest and later on they spread out to all over the body very quickly. They do start out red but look more like a blister with clear liquid.

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Source : pinterest.com

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